Let's be rational here...

2010-11-09 @ 3:33 p.m.

I'm in a shit mood.

My Psychology assignment is finished at last, and i am happy with it, but fuck knows if my perception of good or bad writing is relevant when it comes to this subject.

Or any for that matter.

My sick note with work runs out today and i tried to book an appointment, but my doctor's going away for two weeks tomorrow.

They're going to do a ring back appointment in the morning with a different doctor.

I got a little bit confused over this, but apparently the doctor can talk to me and then write me out a sick note to be collected.

I really hope so...and in some ways, this might work out better for me than traipsing there and depressing myself with the conversation.

I should really start my history assignment though, but i keep putting it off.

I've booked to see a couple of rooms tomorrow.

So i've been at least a little productive.

Single rooms...but i've got to compromise somewhere.

One's in St Albans and the other in Hatfield.

Both people sound nice so i'll just have to see.

I have two back ups that i've left messages for, if both of these fall through.

I was planning on spending all day in my pjs..but my brother has other plans for me.

He needs me to buy a game for him, they're checking ID and he's only 16.

*sighs* better get my ass into the shower then and walk, yes WALK to Sainsbury's to meet him.

Oh i miss my car.

I may pop in and see my Grams on the way home, she might cheer me up if she's back from London.

Then i guess i'd better pack some stuff away...for staying at Becky's and moving house.

God...where's the respite?

<<ghosts []the mist>>


A shit load of contradictions, wrapped up neatly, with a nice pretty bow.


Reading. Writing. Zoos & Animal Parks. Bowling. Coffee Ice-cream. Blues Rock/Alternative/Indie Music. Fallen Angels. Wild Flowers. Pastrami. Vanilla Coke. Autumn. Harry Potter. Driving. Turquoise. Southern Comfort. Aviators. Semolina. Christmas. Museums. Dream Catchers. Roller Coasters. Tattoos. Winter Cider. Philosophy. Vintage Shops. Night time. Chinese Lanterns. Hoop earrings. Sci-Fi. Flowery Skirts. Mythical Creatures. Weeping Willows. Castles. Yankee Candles. Rainy Mornings. Ballet Pumps. Baking. Art Galleries. Long pendants. Quills and Ink. Spiced Rum. Libraries. Sleeping. Converse. Forests. Banana Milk. Venetian Masks. Poetry. Fireworks. US License Plates. Graveyards. Quotes. White Chocolate. Cats. Stars. Scrap Books. Shopping. Metallic Nail Varnish. Keepsakes. Phoenixes. Golden Grahams. Horror Movies. Tea (Esp. Rose Earl Grey). Lemonade Shower Gel. Travelling. Tragic Love. Piercings. Old Book & New Sponge Smells. Storms. Witty People. Cherries. Colourful Socks. American Dramas. Airports. Aston Martins. Hazelnut Lattes. Cowboys. Skeleton Keys. Cajun Chicken. Ivy. Dreams. Cinnamon Waffles. Old London. French Cheese. Trilby Hats. Antiques. Colourful Plasters. Postcards. Colourful paperclips. Bangles. Marvel & DC Comics. Key rings. Notebooks.


Dishonesty. Racism. Narrow-Mindedness. Idiocy. Unwarranted Violence. Neglective Parents. Bullying. Unearned Respect. Betrayal. Extreme Heat. Bright Lights. Sickness. Mushrooms & Olives. Alarm Clocks. Unfounded Jealousy. South African Accents. Celebrity Biographies. Suffocating Presences. Restrictions. Superficial people. Game playing. Routines.


Robert Frost Leather Bound Journal.

Small Vinyl Book Ends.

Astro Star Lamp.


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