Let's be rational here...

2011-03-19 @ 2:32 p.m.
Resting Place

I read this book recently, mostly a load of trashy love story nonsense that doesn�t stimulate the mind in the least, just allowing you to escape reality for a little while, but it actually got me thinking.

The basic concept was, when you die you are judged by ten angels; five of them damned and five of them exalted. They read off two lists, one of all the good things you�ve done in this life and another all the bad. The upshot was; it didn�t matter what fucked up shit had happened to you or whether you were entirely whole and healthy, if you�d done more bad than good you were guaranteed to be going to hell. If you�d spent your lifetime being a good person, always doing the right thing, then you would most likely reach heaven, but it also wasn�t guaranteed.

And although I don�t really buy into the whole heaven and hell thing, it sort of made me wonder. What if it is really like that? Practically nobody I know would end up in heaven, and hell would be a pretty over crowded place. I�d definitely end up there. I don�t even know whether I�m an entirely good person; we�ve all got potential evil inside us after all.

But it would make the most sense. Think how many murderers get away with the things they do by pleading insanity. They wouldn�t be able to do that with the angels judging, they�d be seen for what they truly were and would be punished accordingly. I think I sort of like the idea, only the purest of the pure getting to reach the fabled paradise in the sky. The rest condemned to an eternity of fire and damnation. Despite the fact I�d burn with them.

<<ghosts []the mist>>


A shit load of contradictions, wrapped up neatly, with a nice pretty bow.


Reading. Writing. Zoos & Animal Parks. Bowling. Coffee Ice-cream. Blues Rock/Alternative/Indie Music. Fallen Angels. Wild Flowers. Pastrami. Vanilla Coke. Autumn. Harry Potter. Driving. Turquoise. Southern Comfort. Aviators. Semolina. Christmas. Museums. Dream Catchers. Roller Coasters. Tattoos. Winter Cider. Philosophy. Vintage Shops. Night time. Chinese Lanterns. Hoop earrings. Sci-Fi. Flowery Skirts. Mythical Creatures. Weeping Willows. Castles. Yankee Candles. Rainy Mornings. Ballet Pumps. Baking. Art Galleries. Long pendants. Quills and Ink. Spiced Rum. Libraries. Sleeping. Converse. Forests. Banana Milk. Venetian Masks. Poetry. Fireworks. US License Plates. Graveyards. Quotes. White Chocolate. Cats. Stars. Scrap Books. Shopping. Metallic Nail Varnish. Keepsakes. Phoenixes. Golden Grahams. Horror Movies. Tea (Esp. Rose Earl Grey). Lemonade Shower Gel. Travelling. Tragic Love. Piercings. Old Book & New Sponge Smells. Storms. Witty People. Cherries. Colourful Socks. American Dramas. Airports. Aston Martins. Hazelnut Lattes. Cowboys. Skeleton Keys. Cajun Chicken. Ivy. Dreams. Cinnamon Waffles. Old London. French Cheese. Trilby Hats. Antiques. Colourful Plasters. Postcards. Colourful paperclips. Bangles. Marvel & DC Comics. Key rings. Notebooks.


Dishonesty. Racism. Narrow-Mindedness. Idiocy. Unwarranted Violence. Neglective Parents. Bullying. Unearned Respect. Betrayal. Extreme Heat. Bright Lights. Sickness. Mushrooms & Olives. Alarm Clocks. Unfounded Jealousy. South African Accents. Celebrity Biographies. Suffocating Presences. Restrictions. Superficial people. Game playing. Routines.


Robert Frost Leather Bound Journal.

Small Vinyl Book Ends.

Astro Star Lamp.


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